When you are Hoping to save money and time when it comes to moving, then you have come to the right place for some advice. we at man with van London often come across questions regarding moving tips when hiring a man and van service to move your house. below is a list of 6 important points when you consider hiring a man and van service to save you money and time.
Book in advance
Booking your man and van in advance is really helpful and also very good when it comes to booking ahead you will save money as its cheaper for man and van companies like man with van London to offer you cheap prices. therefore do not waste time when you think you are ready book your van.
Get Ready and start packing
packing is also very important when it comes to moving or even before moving as its time consuming and you need quite a bit of time to pack when your stuff is ready when the man and van arrives then you have best smooth moving service ever.
Plan for your moving day
Planning on your moving day is also very important as you will need to make sure you have a parking spot revered for the driver or the man with van team.
Make sure everything is ready on the day
making sure everything is ready on the moving day as it comes smooth when you start loading the van and its quicker by doing this you save money and time.
Make sure you have the key for the new property
I know this might sound strange but we have lots of issues when it comes to keys therefore its best to the the key ready before hand if its possible so the man and van team have the key ready with them.
Unpacking on the new property
finally the fun part unpacking at the new property is very easy as most things are over by now and you are ready to move to your new house.
For further information regarding man and van advice please go to man with van London.